PROJECT V: Knit Pixel Portraits > Gridded SELFIES

Following Rachel Turdo's successful solo exhibition in the Deacon Student Gallery, a workshop was organized with the VC Senior to lead a class on PhotoShop pixelation with the students

Visual Communications
Cazenovia College Class of 2018
in her words.... PROCESS:
  1. Bring a photo into Photoshop
  2. Overlay a grid   –> For knitting, determine size of grid first as it will affect the size of the finished piece. 
  3. Pixelate the photo to line up with the grid   – Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic. 
  4. You can play with the cell size to get the boxes to line up with the grid.

From here you have a pattern, but it's still a bit color confusing and needs to be color blocked. 

Sometimes I color block right in Photoshop. 
I use the eyedropper tool to select a color and then the brush tool (square) to paint in the grid using the photo as a starting point, blocking out chunks of color. 
I print this simplified pattern and work from it. 
This, for example, was a better solution for the Cooper the Cat pattern because he was so complicated that it was easier to paint over him with a few colors.

Other times I print the pixelated photo and use a thin marker to block out similar sections by hand on paper. 
I find this makes my portraits more colorful because I have all these sections that I want to differentiate by color as I knit. 
I don't typically pick out my color palette ahead of time like I would with the simple digital patterns. 

As for choosing colors, sometimes there are obvious choices that match the photo perfect, other times I use a color that is sort of there but I exaggerate it. 
Because I use yarn my color palette is kind of limited and I am not able to blend colors to make new ones. 
If there is a section that is pretty saturated and muddy, I simply pick out one color that would work.

Students will review the Chuck Close, 
a portrait in progress DVD

Pointillism painting example

Fran Lebowitz portrait, sea shells and cigarette butts
Lego sculpture

Child destroys a $15,000 Legos sculpture 
because he wanted play.

Chuck Close
shell art

This project includes the Chuck Close DVD

Find 4 inspirations that illustrate this project well. Download them with their URL and paste into your Sketch Book.  Note a minimum of 4 Principles & Elements of Design on each.

DUE: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16th - critique


acrylic on Bristol - student work

acrylic on Bristol - student work

acrylic on Bristol - student work

Photoshop: Mosaic gridded portraits
as preliminary sketch

acrylic on Bristol - student work

acrylic on Bristol - student work

Photoshop: Mosaic gridded portraits
as preliminary sketch

Photoshop: Mosaic gridded portraits
as preliminary sketch

Photoshop: Mosaic gridded portraits

as preliminary sketch